Sweet Grown Alabama


The Tuscaloosa Farmers Market is a Certified Farmers Market under the Alabama Farmers Market Authority of the State Department of Agriculture. That certification means that all of the products, fruits, and vegetables that are available at our market come from within 25 miles of the state line of Alabama. At this time all fruits and vegetables are grown right here in Alabama. We guarantee that the produce you purchase at our market is the freshest available, likely being picked within days of showing up at the market. Our farmers market is also a member of Sweet Grown Alabama. Sweet Grown Alabama is a non-profit foundation that enhances marketing opportunities for Alabama farmers by connecting retailers and consumers to Alabama grown foods and other agricultural products. Our searchable database allows consumers to easily connect with local farmers in their area and find specific Alabama grown products. Farmers, product makers, restaurants, retailers and others are encouraged to join the program and use the Sweet Grown Alabama logo on their products.


Montgomery, AL 36107

Categories: Organization